题目:文件属性为-rw-r--r-- 对应权限为644,如何使用命令获取权限对应的数字??
[baby@localhost ~]$ ll -l-rw-r--r-- 1 baby wheel 38 Oct 12 16:29 1.txt
[baby@localhost ~]$ stat 1.txtFile: `1.txt'Size: 38 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular fileDevice: fd00h/64768d Inode: 390954 Links: 1Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 503/ baby) Gid: ( 10/ wheel)Access: 2015-10-12 16:29:34.674990005 +0800Modify: 2015-10-12 16:29:32.248990536 +0800Change: 2015-10-12 16:29:32.248990536 +0800 取出对应的数字则需要使用正则sed awk 或cut ,head,tail命令;方法1:使用正则或命令取
head,tail,cut[baby@localhost ~]$ stat 1.txt |head -n4|tail -n1|cut -d "/" -f1|cut -d "(" -f20644sed,cut
[baby@localhost ~]$ stat 1.txt |sed -n '4p'|cut -d "/" -f1|cut -d "(" -f20644
[baby@localhost ~]$ stat 1.txt |sed -n '4p'|awk -F"/" '{print $1}'|awk -F"(" '{print $2}'0644
方法2:stat -c 命令
[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %a 1.txt644
man stat 查看帮助
-c --format=FORMATuse the specified FORMAT instead of the default; output a new line after each use of FORMAT使用特殊格式代替默认输出;常用的参数有如下:%a Access rights in octal 8进制显示访问权限,0644%A Access rights in human readable form 以人类可读的形式输出,%F File type 文件的类型%g Group ID of owner 所属组gid的号码%G Group name of owner 所属组的名称%h Number of hard links 硬连接的数量%i Inode number inode的值%n File name 文件名%o I/O block size IO块大小%s Total size, in bytes 文件的总大小,字节显示;%u User ID of owner 所属主的uid号码%U User name of owner 所属主的名称%x Time of last access 最后访问的时间%X Time of last access as seconds since Epoch 最后访问时间的时间戳%y Time of last modification 最后修改的时间%Y Time of last modification as seconds since Epoch 最后修改时间的时间戳%z Time of last change 最后更改的时间%Z Time of last change as seconds since Epoch 最后更改的时间的时间戳使用参数结果如下:
[baby@localhost ~]$ ls -l 1.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 baby wheel 38 Oct 12 16:29 1.txt[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %a 1.txt644[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %A 1.txt-rw-r--r--[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %b 1.txt8[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %B 1.txt512[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %d 1.txt64768[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %F 1.txtregular file[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %g 1.txt10[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %G 1.txtwheel[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %u 1.txt503[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %U 1.txtbaby[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %h 1.txt1[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %i 1.txt390954[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %n 1.txt1.txt[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %o 1.txt4096[baby@localhost ~]$ stat -c %s 1.txt38题目和方法2的思想来源于51cto老男孩博客。非常感谢。